Function table tool
Function table tool

function table tool

A new Excel ribbon option called Table Tools > Design appears on the ribbon.Ĭlick on this ribbon option and find the Table Styles dropdown. Once you've converted your data to a table, click inside of it. Instead of spending time highlighting your data, applying background colors and tweaking individual cell styles, tables offer one click styles.


Let's learn more: How to Use Table Styles in Excel Now that you've converted your ordinary data to a table, it's time to use the power of the feature. When you learn Excel keyboard shortcuts, you're much more likely to use the feature and embrace it in your own work. I highly recommend embracing the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + T) to create tables quickly. If your data has headers (titles at the top of the column), leave the My table has headers box checked.You'll see the green marching ants box around the cells that will be included in your table. Make sure all of your data is selected.

function table tool function table tool

In either case, you'll receive this pop-up menu asking you to confirm the table settings: Format as Table menu in Excel. Make sure you're working on the Home tab on Excel's ribbon, and click on Format as Table and choose a style (theme) to convert your data to a table.Use the keyboard shortcut, Ctrl + T to convert your data to a table.Now, you have two choices for how to convert your flat, ordinary data to a table: You can click anywhere in a set of data before converting it to a table. Start off by clicking inside a set of data in your spreadsheet. Here's how to quickly create a table in Excel:

function table tool

It's a simple spreadsheet with example data you can use to convert to a table in Excel.


To follow along with this tutorial, you can use the sample data I've included for free in this tutorial. If you want to learn more, keep reading the tutorial below for an illustrated guide to Excel tables. Then, you'll learn how to use all the features that make MS Excel tables so powerful. I'll teach you the keyboard shortcut as well as the one-click option to convert your data to tables. The screencast below is a guided tour to convert your flat data into an Excel table. How To Make a Table in Excel Quickly (Watch & Learn) Let's learn how to convert your data to tables and reap the benefits. Tables make it easier to work with data in Microsoft Excel, and there's no real reason not to use them. The obvious change is that the data was styled, but there's so much power inside this feature. In the screenshot above, I've converted a standard set of data to a table in Excel. The flat data on the left spreadsheet has been converted to a table in the example on the right. However, your data isn't in a true "table" unless you've used the specific Excel data table feature. You might think that your data in an Excel spreadsheet is already in a table, simply because it's in rows and columns and all together. You can have multiple tables on the same sheet. Think of a table as a specific set of rows and columns in a spreadsheet. What is a Table in Microsoft Excel?Ī table is a powerful feature to group your data together in Excel. Let's get started learning all about MS Excel tables. You'll discover how to use all of these features and master working with data tables. In this tutorial, I'll teach you to use tables (also called data tables) in Microsoft Excel. Filters & Subtotals. Automatically add filter buttons and subtotals that adapt as you filter your data.Add a new row or column to your data, and the Excel table automatically updates to include the new cells. Excel Formulas are much easier to read and write when working in tables. Give a table a name to make it easier to reference in other formulas. Quick Styles. Add color, banded rows, and header styles with just one click to style your data.The advantages of an Excel table include all of the following: With just a couple of clicks (or a single keyboard shortcut), you can convert your flat data into a data table with a number of benefits. Tables might be the best feature in Excel that you aren't yet using.

Function table tool